Pastoral Greetings: September 2024- The Month of Kingdom Life

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings of love, peace and joy in the Lord God Almighty and welcome to September 2024 our month of Kingdom Life
We thank God for you all, your labor of love, gifts and service in the kingdom of God and his church, Victory Parish Miami. May God’s reward be abundant to us all as we serve Him to well pleasing in Jesus mighty name (Heb 13:21). 
Life in the kingdom of God is characterized by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rm 14:21) and we pray God’s abundance of Him to us all in Jesus name. 
God who has began a good work in us all, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:6). 
Therefore lets all continue to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might and let the church march on as God takes us all by His grace from glory to glory, amen.


Pastors Chris & Ude Ogali

Senior Pastors, Victory Parish Miami
