Pastoral Greetings: October 2024- The Month of Great Grace


Beloved of God in Christ Jesus,

Mercy, grace and peace of our God be bestowed on us all this new month of October 2024 and henceforth amen.
The Almighty God has brought us all who believe and trust Him, by His grace to this month of Great Grace, according as He has given us His divine enablement to accomplish great things for Him by Him (Col 1:16).
May God's mercy and grace abound to us all (2Cor 9:8) who believe Him (1Pet 2:6) live holy (1 Pet 1:15) and righteously (Titus 2:12).
Let us all be expectant for the great things of God this month and He will do it for us all His children who fear His name and serve Him in Spirit and truth. 


Pastors Chris & Ude Ogali

Senior Pastors, Victory Parish Miami
