Pastoral Greetings: February 2024- The Month of Promotion


Beloved of the Lord Jesus Christ,

Welcome to our second month of the year 2024, the year of God's glory forever. It's our month of Promotion and God's grace for promotion shall be multiplied to us all who love God and have the mind of Christ, amen. 

As we rejoice at this great promise of God's promotion this month, let us remember to have the mind of Christ in all things. For the Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself first and took on the form of mankind, submitting totally to the will of the Father, by paying the price for the sins of all mankind through His crucifixion shedding of His blood and death on the cross of Calvary. He was buried in the grave and rose again from the dead after three days. 

God therefore highly exalted Him for this sacrifice and gave Him a name above all names (Phil 2:5-11). Praise God. 

For all who believe God, repent of their sins and make the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of their lives, our promotion cometh by our new birth in Him. Praise God. 

Be expectant for our promotion is here.

Pastors Chris and Ude Ogali

Senior Pastors, Victory Parish Miami
